Monthly Archives: July 2017

Thank you for the #GE2017 flyers!

First of all we would like to say thank you to all of you who answered our call to send us election leaflets sent out by some of the c.3000 candidates in the 650 Westminster constituencies from Aldershot to West Dunbartonshire, via Foyle and Ogmore.

We have been delighted with what we have received so far, and are beginning to sort the materials out and catalogue them.  Materials have been scooped up from door mats and popped in envelopes, or attached as pdfs on emails.  We have appealed by email, local radio, twitter, press coverage and more.

We have collected and read manifestos and leaflets, been engaged by political discussions, voted, stayed up too late watching results, and watched the outcome and formation of the new government.  We are sure that you have done the same, and hope that our collection will make it easier for people to see in the future what the main issues were during the June 2017 General Election.

Watch this space for some of the delights we have, and remember if you find an election leaflet for 2017 consider sending it to us rather than popping it in the recycling.

The catalogue reference for the 8th June 2017 General Election is DM2734.

Our political collections in Special Collections are open to all, so do get in touch.

0117 928 8014

Twitter: @BrisUniSpColl